The MetaKit Library 1.7 Copyright (C) 1996-1997 Meta Four Software ============================================================================== (see the file README.TXT for general information about this C++ class library) Notes about version 1.7 (1997,5,28,170) : NEW FEATURES - Memory-mapped files implementation added for Win32 and Unix - Dramatic performance increase for string access in large views - Added STL-support (with strings and stdio) in the Universal release - Added member function equivalents for operators (Get, Set, AsRow) - Added "KitBinder" demo to embed MetaKit data in an executable - Complete redesign of the documentation, switched to "Perceps" CHANGES - The c4_Field and c4_Table classes/headers are no longer public - Major redesign and optimization of the internal c4_Column class - Removed several internal module dependencies, moved some code - Current version is up to ten times as fast as before (MSVC, Win32) - Floating point code now disabled in "small model" (Intel) builds - Changed binary comma operator in c4_View to allow use with STL BUG FIXES - Fixed a resizing problem with doubles in nested sub-views NOTE This is the last release for which MSVC 4.1 and 4.2 builds will be supported. Future releases will use MSVC 5.0 or higher, although the code is likely to remain compatible, allowing source-code recompiles. As this release again demonstrates, MetaKit continues to evolve in a number of very substantial ways. Your comments and suggestions are always welcome. Best regards, Jean-Claude ============================================================================== fax:+31 30 635 2337